lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

"The little mermaid!

The mermaids are creatures form de greek mythlogy. In the beginning this creatures were hybrids, it is supposed that they were half woman and  half birds. But later they were described as beautiful women with fish tale.

In the greek mythology the mermaids are linked to the "world of the dead". Supposedly the mermaids have an hypnotic voice with wich they attract sealors to later eat them. They were responsible of carry the souls to haes

The first mention of a mermaid is in the odyssey. In the Middle East: The first known stories about mermaids appeared in Assyria, before 1000 BC. In the British Isles: The mermaids were seen in British folklore as unlucky omens.

In China: In some ancient tales, mermaids are a species whose tears become pearls. Moreover, the mermaids can also weave a very valuable material that is not only lightweight but also beautiful and transparent

In literature mermaids are also in some of the stories of The Arabian Nights.

Is said that Atargatis was the first fish women, the goddess of the moon, protector of fertility and love. Atargatis, pursued by Mopsos, plunged into the lake Ashkelon with his son, and was saved by her fish tail.

 In this video a man explains the creatures that he saw in the sea

The god and his sister Tethys Ocean had three hundred daughters, the Oceanides, which then they spread over all the seas and the deep sea. One of them,
Doris, was the mother of fifty other water nymphs, the Nereids, named in honor of his father
Nereus, race of the Old Sea, also created by Ocean and Tethys.

The Nereids live in the Mediterranean Sea, and each one represents one of the ways of the sea. For example, Thalia is the mermaid green, and Glaucea the blue. Dinamenea symbolizes the rolling waves, and Cimodaré, calm. One of the Nereids Amphitrite was Poseidon's lover and mother of Triton. The Nereids protected the ships, and did not sing to attract sailors, but to please his father. The ancients described the Nereids with the body covered with scales and forms of fish. From there, the the mermaid myth grew around the world like ripples on the calm surface of the water


miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

YETI !!!!!
The Yeti is a legendary monster who lives in the Himalayas. Near Tibet tehy call it "metoh kangmi". This monster looks like a big man with a lot of clothes, it has all its body full of hair except the face.

The behavior of this monster is like a primate, it shows its teeth to intimidate, it destroys everything it found in its way.
The footprint of the yeti show us that this monster isn´t a bear like many people said, is more like a primate.

The yeti is an omnivorous, the people who has seen it says that the yeti eats animals, plants and fruits.
The zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans has baptized as "Dinathropoides nivalis", he says that there are two types of yeti, that can be differente species and they live in different areas.
This picture show us the yeti in its natural habitat

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

 Aluxo'ob ...!!!

Alux is a mayan monster, this mythological creature belongs to Yucatan´s peninsula. The alux (in singular) is like an elf, they steal kids and farm animals and make some tricks.

Their heigh is about  50cm and they look like a tiny human, but with mayan clothes.

Usually aluxes are harmless but if you disturb them they can be very agressive, they send you a dissease that produce chills and fever.

In the other hand if you offer them a tribute they take care of your maize field.

Aluxes never sleep, but when they do it they keek both ayes open.

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012


Wolfman is a mythological monsterwith the ability to transform into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf  like creature

                The transformation of this beast is often associated with the appearance of the full moon
It is supposed that if a wolfman bites you, you can be one of them, you will transform every full monn ofr the rest of your life.

In this age, we doesn´t believe in this creatures any more, there has been a lot of movies of this creature, this is an example of a wolf transformation

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Did you know that...?

    Did you know that...This monster is the leader of the SNTE

Did you know that.... This monster wants to be the first female-monster to gobern México.

Did you know taht... this is the most terrible monster in Mexico and everyone is afraid of it

Did you know that.... OMG HE IS NOT DEAD!

Did you know that:
-Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

- There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

- The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

- A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

- There are more chickens than people in the world.

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012


Vampire is a legendary monster that becames part of our culture, since its origins the vampire was seen like a demon, that suck blood from it victims and they become one of them.

The origin of the vampire sugest that the leyend started with the prince Vlad, that impaled his victims and he drank their blood. This becomes “real” in 1897 when Bram Stroker wrote “Dracula” and he decribed a monster that was part of human and part vampire; this monster sucked the blood of his victims finishing with death
This is the fist part of Vlad´s biography
Later on, the history of the vampire has been trough many movies like Nosferatu, Van Helsing, Underworld, etc.

Van Helsing Vampire
Here the monsters taking a break from their duties.
The only way you can kill a vampire is to drive a stake into his heart.

¡Los nahuales llegaron ya!


The Nahual is a mexican legendary monster. Mexico is known by his shamans, doctors of the tribu, wizards. It is supposed that every towns and cities of Mexco has almost one.

The Aztec word to nahual is “nahualli” that means “my skin” and it refers to the ability of the nahual to transform in a creature half human, half animal (eagle, coyote, wolf, bull, etc.)

To the prehispanic people, the nahualli was one of the wizards named “tlatlacatecolo”, literally “owlman” which means that they only appeared at night.

The nahual can only transform at night and it attacks children with spells. The nahual has many spirits that supposedly protects him.
               Here is a video of a supposedly nahual that a man saw