lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

Watch out "El chupacabras"

The "Chpacabras" is a latin american legendary monster that supposedtly attack farm animals, especially goats. The myth stated in Puerto Rico, but the leyend is in countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, Chile, Uruguay, Panama, El Salvador, etc

The appearance of the chupacabras, the ones who supposedly has seen it, says that is like reptile with a gray-green skin, with scales and it lenght is about .09-1.2m and it jumps just like a kangaroo

The attack of the chupacabras is in the dark and it doesn´t leave any sign but just the mark of his two teeth.

Nowadays there isn´t real information about this creature, we only have witnes speeches and some supposedly real photos and videos that keen of this topic took and also the teeth marks that this creature leaves in its victims, but cientifics had never found this specimen.

And now some cartoons about Chupacabras.

1 comentario:

  1. I really loved your blog guys , it´s really funny read all kind of interesant facts.
    Congrats ;)
